Saturday, June 4, 2011

Science Of Twitter and Facebook Updates

Last week the US PR podcast "On The Record" interviewed Dan Zarrella of Hubspot about the science of timing Facebook and Twitter updates. 

Zarrella has studied when people are most effective on these platforms by drawing on data from two years of quantitative research.Although his material mostly covers US data, it reveals interesting insights, particularly about Twitter.  It seems:

•You stand a better chance of getting your content retweeted, if you tweet later in the day or on a Friday.

•To get click throughs, Thursday and Friday are popular days to sprinkle links in your tweets. 

•When tweeting your own content, it's OK to tweet the same information multiple times. For example tweet once in the morning, in the afternoon and then again in the evening. This exposes your message to the greatest number of people, many of whom may miss your original tweet. However the trick is to change the wording of each tweet over the course of the day so, although information is the same, each post appears slightly different.

Zarrella's Facebook insights are also interesting:

•Avoid posting too often to Facebook because feeds tend to stay around a lot longer on this platform than Twitter and you can annoy people by updating too frequently. Twitter users tend to have more followers than Facebook friends so Facebook posts come through an account at a slower rate and are visible longer. 

•People who post once every other day seem to attract more friends. 

When brands publish on weekends they tend to get more "likes" because apparently there is less competition from other brands as business updates slow over the weekend. 

•Videos tend to work much better on Facebook because they are easier to watch than on Twitter. 

It would be interesting to see Australian stats on the how's and when's of engaging others on-line.

Credit to Eric Schwartzman and Dan Zarrella.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Perception of Social Media Marketing: It’s a Free Lunch | Social Media Today

It's all very well for an organisation to use social media to spread the word, but how many have a social media policy or editorial calender to guide their efforts?

Not many many, if you read the latest research on social media use coming from a survey of 70 Belgian communications professionals.

Why run when you can walk? The evolution of the walkathon

Walkathons are popular fund raisers.

But with so many charity walking and running events, how effective is this form of money raiser today?

This blog post draws on Canadian examples to conclude the walkathon is a still a winner for not for profits.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Four Motivations For PR People

"We always have time enough if we will but use it right."
Johann Van Goethe

"No matter what the level of your ability you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime."
James T McKay

"Do not wait; the time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."
Napoleon Hill

"PR is about resourcefulness not resources."