In July 2009 the Centre for Social Impact, the Fundraising Institute of Australia and PricewaterhouseCooper released Managing in an Uncertain Economy. This 24 page report outlines how Australian not for profits are handling the downturned economy.
It concludes that:
It concludes that:
- Incomes of not for profits are declining but government funding is stable.
- Incomes are reducing at the same time as costs are rising.
- 30% of not for profits have taken measures to reduce costs and more plan to do so in the next 12 months.
- Larger organisations are faring better. Probably because they have more reserves, are better known and so far they have been more proactive in introducing cost saving measures.
The report states that marketing and raising brand awareness will be priority items on the to do lists of many charities and volunteer groups as they head into 2010.
- Many will put more emphasis on winning government funding so government relations tools and tactics will increasingly feature in their marketing mix.
- About a third of organisations plan to upgrade their websites and 35% are planning to improve communications with stakeholders.
- Many are considering collaboration or partnerships with others but very few would consider a merger.
- There will be a greater call for volunteers as one way to meet increased demand for services as staffing levels either remain static or drop.
The PR and marketing implications from this study are stark.
In the coming year not for profits need to develop and implement simple, cost effective marketing efforts that deliver both dollars and volunteers. That's if they intend to continue to offer the same level of services their communities have come to expect ... and keep the doors open and the lights on.
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