Sunday, June 12, 2011

5 Reasons To Use Social Media For Events

What are the benefits in using social media to promote events?
  • People on social media platforms can network before, during and after the event and build a richer personal experience.
  • Planners can share educational content on their issue in the lead up to an event on social media platforms. And after the event this content remains as an online library.
  •  You can get feedback on the planning and execution of your event to make future activities even better.
  • You can crowd source for creative ideas from friends and followers to find that 'wow' factor that makes your event different and engaging. 
  • Social media platforms provide another and cheaper way to reach people beyond advertising, fliers etc. Word of mouth through social media platforms can potentially reach anyone anywhere.
Credit to the Cvent authors of the recently released Event Marketing 2.0 e-book.

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